The search ends

I’d never heard of Tenterfield NSW until the Gumtree ad popped up in June. I had to Google it. But hey, Australia is a big place, with a lot of towns outside of the capital cities. Tenterfield is one of them, nestled inland, and south of the NSW/Queensland border. The bike was close enough. Not … Read more

The search begins

Having decided on the exact make, model and colour scheme I was after – a black 1989 Yamaha FZR600 – all that was left was to find one, but this proved somewhat harder than first hoped. To explain why, I’ll need to talk a little about the model history both worldwide and in Australia, as … Read more

A new beginning

Have you ever looked back at a point in your life and thought ‘yep, that was a pretty sweet time, and wouldn’t it be awesome if I could feel just a little of that raw, youthful happiness I felt back then‘? Looking at the past through rose-coloured glasses? Probably. Mid-life crisis? Maybe – although it … Read more

Launching the Digital Workplace (and where to from here)

I’ve written a few times about the Digital Workplace project that I’ve been the Product Owner for this year, and it gave me great pleasure to be part of the launch team this week as we rolled out the first phase of our ‘product’ – Trello. But when the tool you’re launching is already freely available, and you know that plenty of people have already started using it, then what exactly is there to launch?

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Why AI needs the Humanities (and how tech conferences are getting it wrong)

I’ve been at my first ‘proper’ IT conference for a while this week, the Digital Government Summit in Perth. The delegates (and vendors) looked like a fairly predictable IT crowd – mostly male, mostly white, mostly middle-aged. In spite of being a perfect demographic fit, I was still one of the odd ones out, and here’s why – I’m not a ‘real’ IT person.

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