Eureka! A panelbeater cometh!

In an earlier post I had mentioned the challenges of finding someone to do the paint on Project FZR, particularly given the banged-up nature of some of the fairings, in particular the top fairing. My earlier chats with repair places hadn’t filled me with confidence, and I had put the whole idea on pause to … Read more

Putting lipstick on a pig

Ok, so I’d worked out that an engine swap was needed, and that a full respray was also on the cards even if I had no idea who would do it, and a bunch of other stuff that really was needed as well, so there only seemed like one logical plan of action – buy … Read more

Using Agile tools to eat the elephant

It was during this period of just scooting around on the FZR that I realised that I needed to do a couple of things differently. First up, I needed to accept that this restoration project was rapidly turning into a ‘down the rabbit hole’ experience, as I’d heard can happen with restoration projects. A flow-on … Read more